Sandy made an appearance in 2012
UPDATE to Friday's post
My husband and I were lying down early after an exhausting month so far. Wonderfully worked and otherwise. When we did so we can across a channel that stopped our surfing. It was an interview with Grace McDonnell's parents. We both were surprised at the uplifted spirit of this mother. We were committed to our endeavor to promote peace and stamp out hate. She is exactly what I've been saying all along. Keep going, love and be kind to one another. If you can catch the interview it would better understood to see and hear the words and actions of this woman who was taught by her 7 year old daughter. This is a strong woman, one we must look up to as a role model. You can actually on CNN blog
The art in which Grace produced is amazing! 100% amazing. I would love to display a piece in my home to remember Grace, to show our good taste in real art and artist and to let the world know that Grace and her tribe of angels are always going to be here teaching us.
My heart is heavy. My thoughts go out to the children who are now rising to act as our guardian cherubs. To the children's who spirits have been wounded along with their family, communtity and administration. Your world is with you sending all our love and light to guide you to understanding and peace.
I plead my case to the evil. To the world at large to smile at each person you see. To teach your children, neighbors and all you can the act of kindness. If we can grow as a whole, our love will extinguish hate. Troubled people may see a light on in the corner. A light that is not there for them now. All they see is darkness. It is up to us to be that light to always shine bright.
update. The President of the United States addresses us with his words. click here to view
My husband and I were lying down early after an exhausting month so far. Wonderfully worked and otherwise. When we did so we can across a channel that stopped our surfing. It was an interview with Grace McDonnell's parents. We both were surprised at the uplifted spirit of this mother. We were committed to our endeavor to promote peace and stamp out hate. She is exactly what I've been saying all along. Keep going, love and be kind to one another. If you can catch the interview it would better understood to see and hear the words and actions of this woman who was taught by her 7 year old daughter. This is a strong woman, one we must look up to as a role model. You can actually on CNN blog
The art in which Grace produced is amazing! 100% amazing. I would love to display a piece in my home to remember Grace, to show our good taste in real art and artist and to let the world know that Grace and her tribe of angels are always going to be here teaching us.
I plead my case to the evil. To the world at large to smile at each person you see. To teach your children, neighbors and all you can the act of kindness. If we can grow as a whole, our love will extinguish hate. Troubled people may see a light on in the corner. A light that is not there for them now. All they see is darkness. It is up to us to be that light to always shine bright.
Night by Margaret Deland
On Childhood's lips, she leaves a kiss:
Enough for him to present bliss!
But, for this goodness which she shows,
She wills that every eye must close;
For all too shy is modest Night
To do such kindness in our sight!