Gather + Bind

Hello folks it has been way to long since I have posted here on Citizen Cathy.  I may still come back here, it would be rather great if I did.  You see I've started a new website that is in the works called...


for my new shop and new name 


I was so tired of may.tree.ark.  The justice wasn't there either, I wasn't doing the name any justice.  It really should have been focused on women, mothers in general and their babies the entire time.  I just didn't feel it.  The passion wasn't there.   So I am moving on.  Moving on to more products too.  The bags are a love for me.  They will still be made along side housewares, dolls and a little something special to be debuted at the launch of the site.  

The launch should happen my the end of September.  I've been working right along not knowing when but it just so happens that we are in a Mercury Retrograde again.  Which means it is the best time to finish a project.  If the stars say it is so, it is so.    

There is a blog on the new website, so have a look there if you would.  Sign up for the newsletter, facebook and please follow along at instagram.

Instagram - gatherandbind
facebook -

Thank you.
Until later


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