Gwyneth Paltrow as Sylvia Plath
here is small example how people / movies get into my being to bring forth remembrance and an education. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer. During an episode they mention quite often Emily Dickinson. Just a mere mention was not inspiring. If perhaps they drew on it a bit further to enhance my knowledge I would want to seek her, her work and the meaning it could bring to my life. Still to this day there is no knowledge of her, how she wrote, what her life was about and so forth. But! writing this mere passage will get me to google her for a quick reference because my curiosity has been sparked. if in that episode someone played her or had that one look in their eye then I'd be owning her work by now but they didn't pull it off. Were they suppose to. No. That was not the point of the episode. If it were Joss Whedon would have succeeded. Will he get me excited about Shakespeare with his up and coming Much ado about nothing? We shall see.

That is what Gwyneth Paltrow did for Sylvia
She encouraged me to finally purchase a copy of The Bell Jar. I have seen it my entire life. There was not one encouraging move to make me act on reading it. Not a pretty picture, a teacher forcing a book report or an elective summer read. Nothing until I see for my own eyes what a life is. How a life is lived. For me it has to be visual. You must be tangible in some light in order for me to really see you.
When will the book be read? I do not know. The poem books collected will be skimmed here and there inheriting small attic spaces in my mind. For now I am working through the life of Anais Nin. There are only so many rooms for which I can accommodate nerd me, corporate me and me me. p.s. end of day update: i read a quick synopses on her life and treatment and if left me saddened and weak) I am not sure I can bring myself to read too much of her as I am prone to things the rise me up and enhance my wellbeing not make me question our illnesses and doctoral practices. !!!
And will I see the movie The Bell Jar. Only if it comes across my desk. My movies are random. I do not seek them out. Unless of course I'm in some sort of crush of the month and must see every movie he or she is in.
To see more of the movies visually not with all this chatter click here. It will bring you to the motion picture category on this blog. This is about 1/100th of them.
{{{These written words are not reflective of my art. That is from the other side of my brain. I have spoke of it before. I can see you. The people: future, past and present customer folks are always working inside my head}}}